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Get Hooked on Chinook! Win Free Seeds for a Year!

Get Hooked on Chinook! Win Free Seeds for a Year!

Ready for some baseball? We are. Opening Day is April 6th, and it can’t come soon enough.

To celebrate the time-honored tradition of eating sunflower seeds at baseball games, Chinook Seedery is giving away one year’s supply of the tastiest sunflower seeds to one lucky winner. (And consolation prizes to the top five runners-up.)

You have three chances to enter your name in the pool – first, sign up on our website. From there you can unlock two bonus entries through Twitter. (Click here to see what we mean.)

If you win, you’ll get loads of free sunflower seeds. In fact, you’ll get a 12-count case every month for a year, each with all four of our awesome flavors.

That’s roughly 115,873 seeds – enough for every baseball game this season, and probably next season too…plus a bit extra to share with your friends, family, and that rowdy bunch of fans in the row behind you at the game.

Opening Day is coming up fast. Click here to win. Play ball!

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